Saturday, 31 December 2011

For Auld Land Syne

Well today is the very last day of 2011 or as us Scots like to call it Hogmanay.

Our 2011 has been a bit up and down with the loss of my grandmother in January but the complete high of the birth of our son Flynn in August. Our family has also been adjusting to my father becoming severely disabled after a road accident from the terrible weather of winter 2010 as well as my husband being made redundant from his job of 12 years in November.
However for some reason I feel I'm seeing this year out with a high and the realisation that I am blessed with  my wonderful family and my own health and happiness and I should never take that for granted.

I look forward to the new year ahead mainly new ventures of returning to uni, my husband getting a new job, and my eldest child beginning school ( how the heck did that happen so quickly!). Tonight I will be celebrating with an early night mainly due to the fact that my husband is holed up in bed with food poisoning. So for all you guys out there who have taken the time to read this I hope you all have a fantastic start to the year of 2012, celebrate with he ones you love and you all look forward to the wonderful things that will come your way. So for new year tradition I'm going to sign out with the most famous new year song of all time:

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o kindness yet, for auld lang syne."

All the best
Love Raynor x

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