Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Sew sketchy

Those of you who are fans on Facebook will see that yesterday I posted about receiving my new sewing machine yesterday. I haven't sewn for a long time since I haven't really had the space to keep a sewing machine, however I really wanted to start making some sewing patterns so I decided just to go ahead and buy one. I'm sure my husband wont mind giving up some wardrobe room for fabrics or listening to the humming of the machine whilst watching his favourite programmes!  I'm currently waiting on a delivery of fabric for creating prototypes so in the meantime I'm sketching franticly as you can see from the rubbish picture above (apologies as it was taken on my phone). Today I'll mostly be working with little cloth scraps and making draft prototypes before I get my hands on some 'proper' fabric. Oh I'm so excited I really can't wait to get some pattern available, I feel like this has jump started the inspiration station in my brain again.
Watch this space.....

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Pattern mashup = Dragon

Hey all,
I've been meaning to write this post for a while as the original photo was posted on Ravelry way back in January. I want to introduce you to Martin.

© flyingpigknits on Ravelry

© flyingpigknits on Ravelry

© flyingpigknits on Ravelry

I practically sqweed (I'm not actually too sure how to spell the particular noise I made but you get the picture!) when i seen this little guy. So thanks to Dagny (flyingpigknits on Ravelry) who made this little guy, for giving me permission to pass on her fab idea to you all. Martin is made from the latest Jelly Bums crocodile pattern with the spike from the free Jelly Bum dino suit added to his back, making him into an adorable little dragon. This is why i love seeing what other people make from my patterns as you guys add your own twists and mods so that you can come up with a whole new look to a toy and make some really unique little toys. So please if you knit one of these little guys post some photos to the Facebook page, Ravelry or Flickr, I'd love to see your very own little dragons.

Also just to keep you up to date with how things are going with patterns, i'm currently working on one, have got a bit through it but still trowing ideas at it to see what looks best without making the pattern too fiddly or complicated for beginners or those wanting a quick knit.

I also wanted to ask you guys opinion on a new line of Jelly Bum sewing patterns? I haven't sewn in a long time and in fact don't even own a sewing machine. Recently I've been thinking about getting one to teach my girls how to sew as I feel its one of the skills a lot of children have lost in recent years. This got me thinking about a new range of patterns, and I'd love to hear your opinion even if it's just to say that you would dust off that old singer and get back into sewing yourself.

Raynor x